Aluminum Adjuvants

Aluminium Involvement in Neurotoxicity

Captured 2018-07-20
Document Highlights

The aetiology of neurodegenerative diseases (ND) seems to involve susceptibility genes and environmental factors.

Al [aluminum] levels were significantly higher in [patients with neurodegenerative disease] than in healthy subjects.

Al toxicity is caused by disruption of homeostasis of metals such as magnesium, calcium, and iron (Fe): in fact, Al mimics these metals in their biological functions and triggers many biochemical alterations. In particular, Al both exerts direct genotoxicity in primary human neural cells and induces neurodegeneration, through an increase in Fe accumulation and oxygen reactive species (ROS) production.

[B]lood toxic metal increase reflects only recent exposure to metals. After acute exposure, toxic metals rapidly move from blood to many tissues, where they are sequestered, as in central nervous system (CNS).

[R]emoval of toxic metals has induced beneficial effects by improving patient symptoms.