Aluminum Adjuvants

Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe

Captured 2018-07-20
Document Highlights

Aluminum is a neurotoxin, yet infants and young children are repeatedly injected with aluminum adjuvants from multiple vaccines during critical periods of brain development.

Studies show that aluminum crosses the placenta and accumulates in fetal tissue. [The Tdap vaccine recommended in pregnancy contains aluminum.]

[A]luminium [can produce] a rather slow intoxication.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “Aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and in other tissues.”

[A]luminum accumulates in the body when protective gastrointestinal mechanisms are bypassed…

[A]luminum is a neurotoxin and may be a co-factor in several neurodegenerative disorders and diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), autism, and epilepsy.

Aluminum’s toxic effects can also manifest as impaired psychomotor control, repetitive behavior, speech disorders, sleep disturbances, seizures, confusion, and anxiety, as well as deficits of concentration, learning, and memory.

[A]luminum has been demonstrated to impact the central nervous system at every level, including by changing gene expression.

[A]luminum travels from the injection site to distant organs such as the spleen and brain

The aluminum-injected mice exhibited significant deficits in memory and motor functions. Testing showed motor neuron loss and progressive deficiencies in strength. The mice also had pathological abnormalities that are characteristic of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

[V]accines with aluminum adjuvants are injected into the body, bypassing protective barriers of the gastrointestinal tract and skin. Absorption of aluminum by this mode is more efficient than through ingestion, increasing the likelihood of a toxic outcome.

Aluminum from vaccine adjuvants crosses the blood-brain and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers, provoking harmful immuno-inflammatory responses in neural tissues.

Aluminum is unsafe even in trace quantities.

Healthy babies may be able to handle quantities of aluminum above FDA toxicity levels indicated for patients with impaired kidney function. However, no one knows how much more aluminum is safe because adequate studies were never conducted. In addition, babies are not screened for renal function prior to vaccination. Therefore, it is impossible to know ahead of time which babies will succumb to aluminum poisoning.