Adverse Reactions

Hypersensitivity to Vaccination (Adverse Events)

Captured 2019-03-14
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[A]ll drugs, including vaccines, are not exempt to cause mild, moderate or serious adverse reactions during their administration. There are certain factors intrinsic to the product, genetic, immune and environmental factors that can interact with each other and, therefore, interfere in the individual response of each person with its administration.

[K]nowledge of the intrinsic characteristics of the person, together with the genetic susceptibility of the same, can help in the resolution of these reactions, with their identification and anticipation, contributing the opportune measures in each moment.

Identifying the genetic factors associated with the adverse effects, would allow a screening and knowledge prior to the administration of vaccines, which could stratify and foresee the individual susceptible effects in order to optimize and resolve them.

– IL1A
– IL1R1