Thimerosal / Mercury

Integrating Experimental Neurotoxicity Studies of Low-Dose Thimerosal

Captured 2023-03-08
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There is a need to interpret neurotoxic studies to help deal with uncertainties surrounding pregnant mothers, newborns and young children who must receive repeated doses of Thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs).

Information extracted from studies indicates that:

(a) activity of low doses of Thimerosal against isolated human and animal brain cells was found in all studies and is consistent with Hg neurotoxicity;

(b) the neurotoxic effect of ethylmercury has not been studied with co-occurring adjuvant-[aluminum] in TCVs;

(c) animal studies have shown that exposure to Thimerosal-Hg can lead to accumulation of inorganic Hg in brain, and that

(d) doses relevant to TCV exposure possess the potential to affect human neuro-development.

Thimerosal at concentrations relevant for infants’ exposure (in vaccines) is toxic to cultured human-brain cells and to laboratory animals.

[I]ts continued use in TCV requires evaluation of a sufficiently nontoxic level of ethylmercury compatible with repeated exposure (co-occurring with adjuvant-AI) during early life.