Thimerosal / Mercury

Thimerosal Induces DNA Breaks, Membrane Damage, and Cell Death

Captured 2023-03-07
Document Highlights

Thimerosal is an organic mercurial compound used as a preservative in biomedical preparations.

We demonstrate that thimerosal in micromolar concentrations rapidly induce membrane and DNA damage and initiateapoptosis [cell death] in human neurons and fibroblasts.

Thimerosal (sodium ethylmercury-thiosalicylate) is an antibacterial and antifungal mercurial compound used as a preservative in biological products and vaccines…

Thimerosal contains 49.6 % mercury by weight and releases ethylmercury as a metabolite. In the body, ethylmercury can be converted to inorganic mercury, which then preferentially accumulates in the kidneys and brain.

Ethylmercury can significantly increase the concentration of inorganic mercury in many organs.

[E]thylmercury passes through cellular membranes and concentrates in cells in vital organs, including the brain, where it releases inorganic mercury, raising its concentrations higher than equimolar doses of its close and highly toxic relative methylmercury.

[T]himerosal in micromolar concentrations rapidly decreased cellular viability. [C]ells… developed multiple DNA breaks…