Adverse Reactions

What is Regressive Autism and Why Does it Occur

Captured 2023-03-26
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There is a compelling argument that the occurrence of regressive autism is attributable to genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, arising from the overuse of vaccines, which subsequently affects the stability and function of the autonomic nervous system and physiological systems.

This article explores the issues and concludes that sensory dysfunction and systemic failure, manifested as autism, is the inevitable consequence arising from subtle DNA alteration and consequently from the overuse of vaccines.

Prior to the 1930’s and the introduction of vaccinations autism was unknown. By 1968 in the UK, when Polio and DPT vaccines were given at 6 and 7 months autism was very rare. In 1988, when Polio and DPT was given at 3 months, DPT at 5 m onths and MMR at c13 months autism rates were still low. In 1996, when Polio and DPT/HIB injections were given at 2, 3 and 4 months, followed by MMR at c13 months autism rates began rising rapidly. By 2006 the occurrence of autism had reached pandemic proportions.

By 1985 the incidence of regressive autism had equalled that from birth. By 1997 both types had increased although the regressive form was now >75% of the total occurrence. This suggests that an acquired condition was overtaking birth defects or purely genetic conditions.

Autism appears not to occur in communities which do not use vaccines.

In the vast majority of cases, the emergence of autistic indications appears to happen in children who had developed normally, and before three years.

The development of normal immune function appears to cease in the second year and is linked to the schedule of vaccines and/or the MMR vaccine.

Under normal circumstances exposure to a viral disease would be countered (in vivo) at various levels enabling the body to steadily increase its immune response. By contrast, the injection of vaccines directly into the blood system overpowers the normal immune response leading to its rapid depletion. It is now suspected that long-term persistence of viruses and other proteins may produce chronic disease i.e. instead of producing a genuine immunity the vaccines are altering the body’s systemic and biochemical stability, suppressing the production of differing types of white blood cells and hence immune function.

Furthermore the introduction of many vaccines… introduces a large number of foreign proteins which may be sufficient to ensure that immune function never returns to baseline and/or that immune biochemistry is fundamentally altered.

Consequently there now exists a growing concern which links immunizations to the huge increase in recent decades of auto-immune diseases e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, lymphoma, leukemia, autoimmune demyelinative optic neuritis, diabetes mellitus, etc.

The greater the amount of vaccines… may lead to mutated forms of disease…

Furthermore enhanced susceptibility to virus infection by vaccines is documented. This could enable tougher strains to flourish.

Vaccines are not entirely safe. The currently used vaccines are merely less unsafe than previous vaccines.

The Urabe strain of mumps vaccine in the MMR vaccine was replaced by the Jeryl Lynn mumps strain in response to reports from Japan linking the Urabe strain used, in the MMR vaccine, with high levels of meningoencephalitis.

The withdrawal of the smallpox vaccination led to a reduction in the incidence of TB.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has been largely eradicated following withdrawal of the pertussis vaccine in Sweden and Japan.

There is concern that the cumulative effect of vaccines upon the body’s function has not been properly assessed.

Vaccines are not subject to double blind clinical trials despite the evidence of vaccine-drug interactions and perhaps also of vaccine-vaccine interactions.

Children with autism have greater amounts of mercury and other heavy metals in their system. For these children the exposure route is considered to be predominately via childhood vaccines, most of which [used to] contain thimerosal.

Mercury poisoning is an insidious process. In general the symptoms do not appear immediately upon exposure, although they may in especially sensitive individuals or in cases of excessive exposure. The initial preclinical stage is followed by the development of symptoms of mercury poisoning over a period which may last from weeks, months, and years.

Consequently, mercury given in vaccines to very young children would not be expected to lead to a recognizable disorder, except for subtle signs, before age 6-12 months, and might not emerge for several years.

Most autistic children have impaired liver detoxification.

As in autism, onset of Hg toxicity symptoms is gradual in some cases, sudden in others. In the case of poisoning, the first signs to emerge are abnormal sensation and motor disturbances. As exposure increases, these signs are followed by speech problems, and hearing deficits.

Other metals have been implicated in adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in children e.g. lead and mercury, with exposure to cadmium, arsenic, antimony and chromium also a concern.

Aluminum also shares common mechanisms with mercury e.g. it interferes with cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system. Children given the recommended vaccinations are injected with nearly 5 mg of aluminum by the time they are just 1.5 years old, almost 6 times the safe level. Furthermore the nature of the Aluminium affects the prevailing blood levels and is also increasingly implicated, through their use as vaccine adjuvants, in autism.

The mass of scientific evidence compiled by researchers clearly indicates that the incidence of autism occurs following vaccination and is most closely associated with the schedule of vaccines culminating in the MMR vaccine. That vaccines suppress natural immune function is not in dispute e.g. those with naturally low levels of immune function… show greater predisposition to autistic spectrum disorders.

In most autistic children brain structures are initially unaffected but become steadily underdeveloped as a consequence of exposure to mercury and other heavy metals. This evolves into a neurodevelopmental problem leading to chromosomal abnormalities, affecting myelination, the subsequent degeneration of the cerebellum, etc.

As drugs are tested in the clinical environment to assess their interaction with other drugs, the cumulative use of vaccines including that of multiple vaccines should be researched and shown, through double-blind placebo controlled clinical trials, to be free from any such interactions i.e. of one single vaccine with another single or multiple vaccine or drug.

Measures to assess the suitability of children for vaccination i.e. how to assess whether a child has a greater predisposition to an adverse vaccine reaction and the subsequent development of autism?